
Aegean Airlines SA Quote, Financials, Valuation and Earnings

Aegean Airlines SA Price Quote


Aegean Airlines SA Key Stats

Aegean Airlines SA (AGZNF) is a Sell

Day range:
$10.85 - $10.85
52-week range:
$10.85 - $14.61
Dividend yield:
P/E ratio:
P/S ratio:
P/B ratio:

Avg. volume:
1-year change:
Market cap:

How Much Does Aegean Airlines SA Make?

Is Aegean Airlines SA Growing As A Company?

Data Unavailable

Aegean Airlines SA Stock Price Performance

What Is Aegean Airlines SA 52-Week High & Low?

Aegean Airlines SA Price To Free Cash Flow

Data Unavailable

Is It Risky To Buy Aegean Airlines SA?

  • How Much Debt Does Aegean Airlines SA Have?
    Total long term debt quarterly is $235.9M
  • How Much Cash Does Aegean Airlines SA Have?
    Cash and short term investments quarterly total is $842M
  • What Is Aegean Airlines SA’s Book Value Per Share?
    Book value per share is 4.60

Is Aegean Airlines SA Cash Flow Positive?

Data Unavailable

Aegean Airlines SA Return On Invested Capital

  • Is Management Doing A Good Job?
    AGZNF return on invested capital is 25.12%
  • What Is Aegean Airlines SA Return On Assets?
    ROA measures how assets are converting to revenues and is 5.99%
  • What Is AGZNF Return On Equity?
    ROE is a measure of profitability and is 39.32%

Aegean Airlines SA Earnings Date & Stock Price

Aegean Airlines SA Competitors

  • Who Are Aegean Airlines SA's Competitors?
    Below is a list of companies who compete with Aegean Airlines SA or are related in some way:
    • Capital Clean Energy Carriers Corp (CCEC)
    • Euroseas Ltd (ESEA)
    • StealthGas Inc (GASS)
    • Star Bulk Carriers Corp (SBLK)
    • Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp (SHIP)

Aegean Airlines SA Dividend Yield

Aegean Airlines SA Analyst Estimates

YoY Growth Past Surprise
EPS: 0% 0%
Revenue: 0% 0%

Analyst Recommendations

Buy Recommendations: 0
Hold Recommendations: 0
Sell Recommendations: 0
Price Target: 0.00
Downside from Last Price: -100%

Major Shareholders

  • How many AGZNF shares are owned by institutional investors?
    6.6M AGZNF shares are owned by institutional investors
  • How many AGZNF shares are owned by insiders?
    0 AGZNF shares are owned by insiders